Sunday, August 5, 2012

Homemade Blueberry Ice-Cream

What's better than a get-together with friends on a long weekend... today we had a pot luck with close friends. Wait... what about the paper airplanes that I've mentioned in my previous post? I was thinking of having some fun time to fly paper planes with them, as well as the chance to take some shots in fast shutter speed. We still made a few paper planes; it's quite windy tho' so the plan didn't quite work out.

So I gave up and started to prep the blueberry ice-cream for the pot luck. A couple of days ago, I accidentally got this recipe. A friend of friend on FB was making some blueberry ice-cream and got a picture up. I thought it's my friend, so I jumped into the conversation and asked for the recipe. She's very nice and shared me the link. So here it comes the yummy ice-cream in my fav purple color. I will definitely try it again. Lov' it!

Thanks to Jane, the nice girl who shared me the recipe :)

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