Monday, August 20, 2012

CNE - The EX

The annual event that ends the summer is here once again. The last time I went was ages ago and I didn't find it fun at all - it's only the rides. This year, when my friend asked me if I would be interested in going with her and her family, I was a bit hesitated. Well... with the Ontario Sci Centre membership discount... and the 2 monkies haven't met their friends for long, let's do that and we're glad that we went.

Our first time ever - had fun for 12 hours straight; we're still on the street at 10pm. Lots of going ons - farm, rides, drawing, park, food, singing, hitting the drums, dancing near by the stage, experiencing the fire hose, on the fire truck, in the police uniform, on and on... Lots of walking too... we're all exhausted at the end and we didn't even have a chance to have a peek in the halls.

Oh well.. next year... I start missing the hot waffle ice cream sandwich... what a great way to end it... yummm :)

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