Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Kasen's Birthday Party - Lego Farm

A beautiful afternoon, no rain & not cold, which was filled with fun to celebrate Kasen's 6th Birthday! The theme of the party was Lego Movie: birthday banner, decor, cupcakes and the birthday cake were around the theme.

Look at the birthday cake. Isn't it amazing?! Credit goes to Kasen's talented mom, Rosa.
She has made the delicious cupcakes too.
To our surprise, there were other guests to the party - animals. The backyard was set up as a little farm.

Everyone could feed them and touch them.

And, kids could ride the pony as well. Love their smiles.

Of course, the part that the guests would look forward to the most is hitting the pinata.
For more pictures, please visit my facebook page at:

and choose the album titled "Birthday Party - Kasen"

Don't forget to 'like' my page if you like my work. Have a great day!

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