Monday, September 2, 2013

Little Monkie #3 is at her 3 months

While I was patiently waiting for her arrival, the little bumper didn't allow me to tidy up the place. So I spent my time on browsing the web for inspirations on baby pictures. Now I finally have a bit more time to execute the ideas.
The one on the left is a pin from

The one on the right is my little cutie pie.
As a mom of 3 and a photographer, the sweet part is I could practice different ideas with my kids and improve. And that I could do a quick 5 to 10 min session when I feel like it :)
Below is what I did for Little Monkie #3 today for her turning 3 months.

The pink backdrop is a DIY fringe blanket that I made myself, also prior to her arrival. People normally place it on a basket, which is something I would try the next time, along with the hats that I ordered for newborn shots. Here's a closer look of the blanket.

The next project is to weave a X'mas blanket using yarns.

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