Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Baby BalaJunior

It's been the longest time that I last put up a new post on my blog. My personal life has been busy... work, the 2 monkies, plus the little monkey #3 is expecting in a few weeks plus course... I would love to have more hours to accomplish different tasks daily. Anyhow, here I am... I will try to update more frequently. First, it comes to the most recent baby session I did for the new addition of Vidya and Bala.

Last year, when I was taking the wedding photography course, this pair of newly weds was really nice and helped out being my models for the assignment. A few months later, I heard the great news from the bride's dad that she's expecting.
A few days ago, in early April, Baby Bala Junior has arrived. I still remember that grandpa was anxious and nervous and excited at work :)

I went over to their place and visited this little cutie over the weekend. What a handsome boy!
See this little one, how comfortable he's in mommy's arms...

Last but not least, these are my favs - the tiny little fingers and toes.
All the best to this little one... wishing you be a healthy and happy boy!

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