Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Baby Session: Sam

This is a long overdue session, considered as my little gift for this new born. Sam Mama and I are friends and we've been talking about baby stuff when this little one was still in mommy's tummy. When she's born, I have yet to have a chance to  meet her. My promise has been kept and finally, I gotta meet her last weekend.
It was a rainy cloudy day, so I was a little worried about the lighting condition. We moved up to Sam Mama's room and were able to manage it with some artificial light (oh well, at least it works, I think). This little princess has been behaving, altho' a little cool. It's really hard to cheer her up.
But she's beautiful (looks like Sam Papa a lot; of course, the pretty version :P)

You must be wondering about the family picture. I wanna make sure Sam Papa & Mama aren't too shy to show their faces. Have a nice evening :)

PS - If you have any friends who are interested in having a baby session, please text me. I am working with a couple of photographers on a promo. Cheers!

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