Monday, October 22, 2012

The Fall Colors

Sorry all... this post has been slightly delayed. Today's post is to show what I did for my assignment #1 in the Theory and History class - the Fall colors. The 4 pictures should demonstrate the basic techniques of photography: aperture (wide and small) and shutter (fast and slow). In each of the picture, there are some requirements set as well.

I would like to challenge myself than simply switching the dials to get this done, which was what I did for the Basic course. At first, I was thinking of having my boys be the models. However, that's more challenging that I thought so I gave up after numerous trials. Then, I came up with the idea of leaves. It was quite easy for the slow shutter (bottom right; it looks way much better with my hubby's help posing the leaves on the rock and removing the junks surrounding) and wide aperture (top left).

The most difficult one was the one for fast shutter. My hubby was my assistant and kept on dropping the leaves. The leaves dropped way much faster than I thought. The shutter was set to 1/4000th; the sun got set within minutes and we didn't have enough time to catch the bright light to freeze the falling leaves. We tried the other day with bright sunlight. This time the shutter was set to 1/3200th; pressing the shutter at the right moment. This is what I've got. Pretty happy with it.

Great thanks to my hubby for his support and assistance! hee... the next assignment is coming up shortly :P


  1. Hey! I stumbled upon this.. great job! So this is where you've been hiding. I'm happy to hear you are pursuing the certificate program at Sheridan, it's good practise and skill building. What is your favourite kind of photography subject so far?

  2. Hi Carmen, Thanks for visiting ;) I haven't been hiding, but yes, I'm getting more into photography. Like to get paid jobs on family & wedding (even post-wedding, like couples who don't like the ones they have on their big day). Flower & Faux are also good for relaxing and skill building. Don't forget to like my FB too :)
