Thursday, January 2, 2014

Flash II - Pop Up Flash

Happy New Year to you all and wish you the best in year 2014!!!
For the past few weeks, we have been experiencing extreme weather here in GTA. Hope that everyone is well. And we have wind chill warning on now... (shivering).
Well... for a photographer, extreme weather isn't a bad thing at all (if our house still has power). In fact, it's the time to shoot. My monkies had lots of fun playing in the snow earlier last month when we were hit by snow storm.
They had fun playing and I had fun shooting. Shooting in snow may be challenging because it's grey and dull. Your pictures may be under-exposed when the meter says it isn't. Look below.
Recently, I wanna practice more using flash. And this time, it's pop-up flash. I used the 70-200mm and popped, having Little Monkie #3 as the subject (she's sitting on her rocker by the patio door... yea... she's bored).

This is a classic example of why people don't like using pop-up flash - harsh shadow. This is simply because I didn't have the right distance between the subject and camera (and flash). Look at Little Monkie #2.
I'm pretty happy with it, except the reflective strap on Little Monkies #1's arm. I was gonna crop it, but this shows that the flash is doing its work :P
 Another challenge shooting the snow is where I shoot. I was hiding indoor by the patio door and got shot by snow balls. I got no where else to run... oh no...

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