Saturday, May 18, 2013

Mother's Day = Happy Valentine's Day

Mother's Day was last weekend and hope that all moms had a happy and relaxing one. Mine's peaceful, at least the monkies behaved okay and I didn't have to yell or shout at them :P And on Saturday, we went over to Brampton in the afternoon and had lots of fun at the Peel Police Community Day.
What did I receive from the little monkies? Crafts. I enjoy the ones from Little Monkie #1. His school emphasizes a lot on creativity (see below). He picked his colors, glued the feather and painted the rock himself. The other one is a little booklet about what they think only mommy can do. One cute quote is: "my mommy can carry baby in her tummy"; and the other says "mommy cooks the best rice" and he drew on the pages too. Very cute and sweet.
This is the rest of what I've got from them. Some were nicely written and presented. I personally prefer something that shows their true talents.

One thing to share... when Little Monkie #2 gave me his work to me, he said Happy Valentine's Day... lol...

To all moms, Happy Mother's Day Happy Valentine's Day to you :)

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