Thursday, September 18, 2014

Shooting truffle - this week's "What's this" Challenge

Sometime in the summer, I wonder how I could keep my FB page active. My 3 monkies have been my models all the times... don't want everyone to get sick of seeing them :P Jobs... have been quiet, unfortunately. And I wanted something fun, and something that I could keep practicing. So, this is what I've come up with:
Macro photography + Guess game = What's this? Challenge
On Mondays, I will post the question on my page. This is open to everybody. There's no prize (who knows... maybe one day), but you will have fun guessing :)
Example: Challenge for this week

Sometime on Tuesday, I will post the answer.
This week, I got the champagne truffle as my subject. This lonely "metal poop" has been sitting behind my desk for half a year. I actually bought it on Feb 14, the past Valentine. I always wanted to have a picture of it. But I've been so tied up (am I really? hee) I was searching at home for something more difficult for this week, and it just caught my attention...
You know what... truffles are never easy to play with... it's dark, it's not in perfect shape, it's hard to control shadows, etc. This is one of the assignments I needed to do in the Small Product class.  
So, here I come.
A quick test shot.

 Behind the scene set up: Table lamp (the only light source), playing card shuffled into monkie's slipper (reflector in a holder) and the chocolate box (as another reflector on the other side).

Final result: see the difference at the bottom part?
This is just a 5-10 min fun shot. Needless to say, lots of rooms for improvement. See the ugly shadows? Should also have taken out my plexi glass for a better setup. Oh well, at least this truffle has a picture taken now and its mission has been accomplished.
Just something to share...
Have a nice day!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Sometimes I like to close my eyes and imagine what it’ll be like when summer comes again.

This week has been super cold... I feel like missing summer already. This past summer, we had lots of fun... we went to zoo, a local lavender farm (check out this post), ice skating, bowling, birthday parties, etc. also a family getaway at Collingwood with both sides of grannies!
On a weekend, we decided to go for swimming at a beach. We would normally drive all the way down to the Beaches (or the Beach). Until this summer, we've learned that there's one nearby home at the Kelso Conservation Park. We know that skiing is available during the winter, but never know there's a beach there. So we went.
When we arrived, the beach was quick packed, but still managed to find a spot. Applied the sunscreen and they're all ready to go.
Little Monkie #1

Little Monkie #2

Little Monkie #3

Time for snack and we couldn't stop her from having the junk food. Look at her hands... she won. Fortunately, her tummy didn't complain after :P

We all had a good time and will definitely return next year :)
PS - it is such a clean beach. like.