Monday, December 9, 2013


It's been a while since I last blogged. Life has been busy busy with family and study. Now my 2nd last course of the cert program is done, so that I could have sometime to blog :)
Many photographers described themselves as lifestyle photographers who use natural lights only. I love natural lights as well. However, the courses that I've been through recently had brought me the new level of understanding flash. I wasn't a fan of using flash. An instructor said that it is because you didn't know how to use flash and he's talking about the truth. Once you know the tricks, it helps to create mood and enhance the photo.
Here are some examples.
This is one flash, off camera, that creates a more dramatic result. While keeping the exposure of the sky correct, the subjects are not under-exposed.
photo credit: Helena Chu

This one too. Kung Fu boy at Dundas Square :P

This one is my fav taken yesterday at the X'mas party with Santa Claus. It was taken at the basement with a bit of light from the sun roof. I forgot my 24-70mm f2.8 at home, so gotta use the standard18-55mm f3.5-5.6 with flash. This is basically done with pop-up flash. Got the right distance between camera and subject, got the right setting, there we go.
Last but not least, flash can also fill in the light on the subject that is seemless. When the subject is behind the sunlight, boom, Little Monkie #1 is a cool looking handman :)

Of course, when the subject is in indoor that has low light, flash would do its work too. This is simply flash set on the camera. My self-portrait... lol...